submission process

if you use what you have to create something that someone needs, you’re the kind of creator who belongs at her house.

submitting to her house. will likely be dissimilar to any other submission process you’ve gone through. if you’re okay with how that sounds, let’s talk.


re: her house. journal submissions

fiction writers, nonfiction writers, photographers, poets, musicians, chefs, artists, and those not listed are all welcome to request to submit to the journal.

currently, we do not pay our contributors.

if interested, press the button to proceed.

re: her house. full-length submissions

we’re always happy to hear from individuals who have a project they’d like to get out into the world. novels, anthologies, nonfiction, devotionals, and more will always be enthusiastically reviewed by our team.

our process is long, intimate, and ultimately very selective.

if interested, press the button to proceed.